
KubeJS TFC adds several JS events for use in your scripts

It is highly recommended to use ProbeJS when working with these

Limiting Containers

This event can be used in the startup_scripts folder.

TFC has an item size feature which it uses to limit which items can go into its containers. KubeJS TFC allows you to somewhat replicate this for other mod’s containers, with some limitations:

  • It will only be able to apply to a container which registers a MenuType
  • It only applies to player interactions
  • It only applies upon closing a menu

The basic functionality of this is based off of a 1.12 addon that did much the same. It is licensed under the BSD License

Upon a player closing a limited container any items that are (1) in the limited slots and (2) greater than the provided size will be removed from the container and spawned in world around the player


This is available through a new startup event, tfc.limit_container_size, with a single method, limitContainerSize, available

  • 1st argument: A string, the registry name of a menu
    • A full list of available menus can be found by running the command /kubejs dump_registry minecraft:menu in-game
  • 2nd argument: A string, the maximum size of items allowed in the declared slots
    • Valid values:
      • tiny
      • very_small
      • small
      • normal
      • large
      • very_large
      • huge
  • optional 3rd argument: An integer array, representing the specific range of indexes of the container’s slots which should be limited, defaults to all slots in the container
    • This will accept any multiple of 2 number of integers (i.e. {0, 2} or {1, 3, 5, 7})


onEvent('tfc.limit_container_size', event => {
    // Limits the hopper to only have normal or smaller item sizes
    event.limitContainerSize('minecraft:hopper', 'normal')
    // Limits shulker boxes to very small or smaller items for slots 0 through 8 and 18 through 26
    event.limitContainerSize('minecraft:shulker_box', 'very_small', 0, 8, 18, 26)

Register Climate Model

This event can be used in the startup_scripts folder

TFC implements local temperature and rainfall, this is done through the use of climate models. This event has two methods registerClimateModel and registerAdvancedClimateModel. Both events take a resource location, the name of the model being registered, and a climate model consumer, which defines how your custom model behaves; the second method has the ability to set custom behaviors on world and chunk load in its consumer.


  • setCurrentTemperatureCalculation(callback): Sets the calculation for current temperature at a position. The callback provides:
    • A LevelReader, the level
    • A BlockPos, the position
    • A Long, the calendar ticks
    • An Integer, the number of days in a month
    • And expects a number
  • setAverageTemperatureCalculation(callback): Sets the calculation for the average temperature at a position. The callback provides:
    • A LevelReader, the level
    • A BlockPos, the position
    • And expects a number
  • setAverageRainfallCalculation(callback): Sets the calculation for the average rainfall at a position. The callback provides:
    • A LevelReader, the level
    • A BlockPos, the position
    • And expects a number between 0 and 500
  • setAirFog(callback): Sets the fogginess at a position and time. The callback provides:
    • A LevelReader, the level
    • A BlockPos, the position
    • A Long, the calendar ticks
    • And expects a number between 0 and 1
  • setWaterFog(callback): Sets the water fogginess at a position and time. The callback provides:
    • A LevelReader, the level
    • A BlockPos, the position
    • ALong, the calendar ticks
    • And expects a number between 0 and 1
  • getClimateSeed(): Returns the climate seed, a number based on the level’s seed
  • getNewNoise(): Returns an OpenSimplex2D noise generator.
  • getTemperatureSettings(): Returns the level’s temperature climate settings, or the default if none
  • getRainfallSettings(): Returns the level’s rainfall climate settings, or default if none
  • averageTemperature: Returns a reference to the model’s average temperature calculation, use getValue(LevelReader, BlockPos) to get its value
  • averageRainfall: Returns a reference to the model’s average rainfall calculation, use getValue(LevelReader, BlockPos) to get its value
  • currentTemperature: Returns a reference to the model’s current temperature calculation, use `getValue(LevelReader, BlockPos, Long, Int) to get its value
  • airFog: Returns a reference to the model’s air fog calculation, use getValue(LevelReader, BlockPos, Long) to get its value
  • waterFog: Returns a reference to the model’s water fog calculation, use getValue(LevelReader, BlockPos, Long) to get its value

If registering an advanced model the following are also available

  • setOnWorldLoad(callback): Sets what should be done upon the world loading. The callback provides:
    • A ServerLevel, the level
  • setOnChunkLoad(callback): Sets what should be done upon a chunk loading, by default this is only called during world generation and TFC’s update climate command. The callback provides:
    • A WorldGenLevel, the level
    • A ChunkAccess, the chunk
    • A ChunkData, the chunk’s TFC data


onEvent('tfc.climate_model.register', event => {
    event.registerClimateModel('kubejs:my_model', model => {
        model.setAverageTemperatureCalculation((level, pos) => {
            return (pos.x + pos.z) / 2000 + (pos.y / 60)
        model.setAirFog((level, pos, calendarTicks) => {
            return JavaMath.sin(Calendar.getCalendar(level).getCalendarDayTime() / 12000 * JavaMath.PI);
    event.registerAdvancedClimateModel('kubejs:my_advanced_model', model => {
         model.setOnWorldLoad(level => {
             console.log(`Loading into dimension: ${level.dimension}`)

Select Climate Model

This event can be used in the startup_scriptsor server_scripts folders. It can be reloaded at any time.

TFC implements local temperature and rainfall, this is done through the use of climate models. Whenever a world is loading or selecting its climate model, this event is fired. It is only fired on the server.



Returns the level


Returns the climate model that applies to the level, defaults to BiomeBasedClimateModel. TFC sets the Overworld to use the OverworldClimateModel.


Returns the climate model’s id


Sets the climate model to use for the associated level. This will accept the name of a climate model or a direct reference to a climate model object


onEvent('', event => {

Start Fire

This event can be used in the startup_scripts or server_scripts folders. It can be reloaded at any time. It can be cancelled.

TFC uses this event for lighting fires or optionally light-able blocks. This event should be cancelled if it was handled here. If you want your items to act like Flint and Steel or Torches, add them to either the tfc:starts_fires_with_items tag or the tfc:starts_fires_with_durability tags.



Returns the level


Returns a BlockContainerJS of the clicked position


Returns the block face that was clicked


Returns the ItemStackJS representing the item used


Returns the FireResult of the event. Defaults to FireResult.IF_FAILED.


Sets the event’s FireResult


Returns a boolean indicating if the event’s FireStrength is strong


Returns the EntityJS of the player that performed the fire start, may be null


Returns the ServerJS of the level, may be null


onEvent('tfc.start_fire', event => {
    if (event.getBlock().getCanSeeLight() && event.getFireResult() === FireResult.IF_FAILED) {


This event can be used in the startup_scripts or server_scripts folders. It can be reloaded at any time.

Whenever a prospector’s pick is used this event is fired. It is purely informational and cannot change anything.



Returns the EntityJS of the player that prospected


Returns the PlayerJS of the player that prospected


Returns the Player of the player that prospected


Returns the LevelJS of the player that prospected


Returns the ServerJS of the level, may be null


Returns the ProspectResult of the event


onEvent('tfc.prospect', event => {
    event.getPlayer().addItemCooldown(event.getPlayer().getInventory().get(event.getPlayer().getSelectedSlot()).getItem(), 2000)


This event can be used in the startup_scripts or server_scripts folders. It can be reloaded at any time. It can be cancelled.

This event is fired when a tree is about to be felled by an axe. Cancelling it will cause the block to be broken normally.



Returns the LevelJS of the event


Returns the ItemStackJS of the axe used


Returns the BlockContainerJS of the block broken


onEvent('tfc.logging', event => {
    if (event.getAxe().hasTag('kubejs:logging_deny_list')) {

Animal Product

This event can be used in the startup_scripts or server_scripts folders. It can be reloaded at any time. It can be cancelled.

This event is fired whenever a sheep is sheared, a cow is milked, or similar action happens, cancelling it will prevent the default behavior, which is controlled by each entity’s implementation. This event does not control if an entity can give products, it is for the sole purpose of modifying/blocking what happens when products are made.

This event has a product, it may either be an ItemStackJS or a FluidStackJS, not both. Only the non-empty type will retain modifications, attempting to change the type will void the the original product.



Returns the EntityJS that the product comes from


Returns the PlayerJS that used the tool


Returns the LevelJS of the event


Returns the BlockContainerJS at the position of the animal


Returns the TFCAnimalProperties of the animal


Returns the ItemStackJS of the held item, usually a bucket or shears


Returns the ItemStackJS of the product, may be empty


Returns the FluidStackJS of the product, may be empty


Returns true if the item product isn’t empty


Sets the item product


Sets the fluid product


Returns the amount of wear the animal will take from this happening


Sets the amount of wear the animal will take from this happening


Returns the Player of the player that used the tool, may be null


Returns the ServerJS of the level


onEvent('tfc.animal_product', event => {
    if (event.getAnimalProperties().getGender() === AnimalGender.FEMALE) {


This event can be used in the startup_scripts or server_scripts folders. It can be reloaded at any time.

This event is fired whenever a collapse happens, including fake/visual-only collapses.



Returns the BlockContainerJS of the center block


Returns the LevelJS of the event


Returns the squared radius of the collapse, will be 0 if the collapse is fake


Returns a List<BlockPos> containing the positions of blocks also effected by the collapse


Returns true if the collapse is fake


onEvent('tfc.collapse', event -> {
    event.secondaryPositions.forEach(pos => {
         event.level.minecraftLevel.playSound(null, pos, 'minecraft:block.wood.break', 'blocks', 1.0, 1.0)