Miscellaneous Bindings

Rock Map

A string to RegistryRock map of all of TFC’s rock types



Wood Map

A string to NamedRegistryWood map of all of TFC’s wood types



Heat Utilities

Get Heat

Gets the IHeat of a given item stack, may be null

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getHeat(stack: ItemStack): @Nullable IHeat



Has Heat

Returns true if the given item stack has an IHeat

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.hasHeat(stack: ItemStack): boolean



Get Heat Level

Gets the Heat of the given temperature (°C), will be null for temperatures less than 1°C


Heat Levels

A string to Heat map of all of TFC’s heat levels



Food Utilities

Get Food

Gets the IFood of the given stack, may be null

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getFood(stack: ItemStack): @Nullable IFood



Has Food

Returns true if the given item stack has an IFood

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.hasFood(stack: ItemStack): boolean



Set Rotten

Makes the provided stack rotten if possible and returns it

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.setRotten(stack: ItemStack): ItemStack

Set Never Expires

Makes it so the provided stack never expires

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.setNeverExpires(stack: ItemStack): void

Get Food Trait

Retrieves the food trait with the given registry name or null if not found

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getFoodTrait(id: string): FoodTrait



Get Food Trait ID

Returns the id of the given food trait

Method Signature

TFC.misc.getFoodTraitId(trait: FoodTrait): string

Apply Trait

Applies the given trait to the stack, modifying it

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.applyFoodTrait(stack: ItemStack, trait: ResourceLocation): void

Remove Trait

Removes the given trait to the stack, modifying it

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.removeFoodTrait(stack: ItemStack, trait: ResourceLocation): void

Size Utilities

Get Size

Returns the Size of the given item stack

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getSize(stack: ItemStack): Size

Get Weight

Returns the Weight if the given item stack

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getWeight(stack: ItemStack): Weight

Collapse Utilities

Can Start Collapse

Returns true if the given level and position can start a collapse

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.canStartCollapse(level: LevelAccessor, pos: BlockPos): boolean
  • level: The level being checked
  • pos: The block pos being checked

Try Collapse

Attempts to cause a collapse at the given level and position, returns false if no collapse or a fake collapse occurred

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.tryCollapse(level: Level, pos: BlockPos): boolean
  • level: The level where the collapse is trying to be created
  • pos: The center of where the collapse is trying to be created

Force Collapse

Forces a collapse to happen at a position, returns true if any blocks started collapsing

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.forceCollapse(level: Level, pos: BlockPos)
  • level: The level where the collapse will occur
  • pos: The center of the collapse

Find Unsupported Positions

Finds all positions in the given area that are unsupported

Methods Signatures:

TFC.misc.findUnsupportedPositions(level: BlockGetter, from: BlockPos, to: BlockPos): Set<BlockPos>
  • level: The level to check in
  • from: The minimum corner to check
  • to: The maximum corner to check
TFC.misc.findUnsupportedPositions(level: BlockGetter, center: BlockPos, horizontal: number, up: number, down: number): Set<BlockPos>
  • level: The level to check in
  • center: The center position to check
  • horizontal: The number of blocks around the center to check horizontally
  • up: The number of blocks to check above the center
  • down: The number of blocks to check below the center

Is Supported

Returns true if the position is supported

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.isSupported(level: BlockGetter, pos: BlockPos): boolean

Supported Area

Maximum Supported Area Around

Returns an iterable of all positions that could possibly be supported around the min and max positions

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getMaximumSupportedAreaAround(minPoint: BlockPos, maxPoint: BlockPos): Iterable<BlockPos>

Get Support Check Range

Returns the SupportRange that is used as a maximum for checking if an area is supported

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getSupportCheckRange(): SupportRange

Get Support

Gets the support from the block, or null if it is not a supporting block

Method Signatures:

TFC.misc.getSupport(state: BlockState): @Nullable Support
TFC.misc.getSupport(level: BlockGetter, pos:BlockPos): @Nullable Support

Chunk Data Utilities

Chunk Data

Gets TFC’s ChunkData for the given level and position

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getChunkData(level: LevelReader, pos: BlockPos): ChunkData
  • level: The level to get the data from
  • pos: The position to get the data from

Rock Data

Get’s TFC’s RockData for the given level and position, may be null

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getRockData(level: LevelReader, pos: BlockPos): @Nullable RockData
  • level: The level to get the data from
  • pos: The position to get the data from

Rock Settings

Gets TFC’s RockSettings, a collection of blocks that define a rock layer, see custom rock settings, may be null

Method Signatures:

TFC.misc.getRockSettings(level: LevelReader, pos: BlockPos): @Nullable RockSettings
  • level: The level to get the settings from
  • pos: The position to get the settings from
TFC.misc.getRockSettings(level: LevelAccessor, block: Block): @Nullable RockSettings
  • level: The level to check in
  • block: The block to check

Forest Type

Gets TFC’s ForestType for the given level and position

Method Signature:

TFC.misc.getForestType(level: LevelReader, pos: BlockPos): ForestType
  • level: The level to get the forest type from
  • pos: The position to get the forest type from

Get Hydration

Returns a number, in the range [0, 100], an expression of how hydrated soil at the position would be

TFC.misc.getHydration(level: LevelAccessor, posL BlockPos): number
  • level: The level to get the hydration level from
  • pos: The position to get the hydration level from

Noise Utils

Open Simplex

TFC uses open simplex noise for most, if not all, of its custom worldgen, these methods provide the ability to create and customize new 2D and 3D versions of TFC’s open simplex noise implementation

Method Signatures:

TFC.misc.newOpenSimplex2D(seed: number)
TFC.misc.newOpenSimplex3D(seed: number)
  • seed: The seed for the noise’s algorithm


TFC uses metaballs for its generation of cluster veins, these methods provide the ability to create new 2D and 3D versions of TFC’s implementation

Method Signatures:

TFC.misc.newMetaballs2D(random: RandomSource, minBalls: number, maxBalls: number, minSize: number, maxSize: number, radius: number)
TFC.misc.newMetaballs3D(random: RandomSource, minBalls: number, maxBalls: number, minSize: number, maxSize: number, radius: number)
  • random: The random source used by the metaballs to create variance between instances
  • minBalls: The minimum number of individual balls
  • maxBalls: The maximum number of individual balls
  • minSize: The minimum size of the metaballs
  • maxSize: The maximum size of the metaballs
  • radius: The maximum radius of an individual ball

Metal Utils

Metal from Fluid

Returns the Metal associated with the given fluid, may be null

TFC.misc.getMetal(fluid: Fluid): Metal

Metal from Ingot

Returns the first Metal whose ingots match the given stack, may be null

TFC.misc.getMetalFromIngot(ingot: ItemStack): Metal

Metal from Plate

Returns the first Metal whose sheets match the given stack, may be null

TFC.misc.getMetalFromSheet(stack: ItemStack): Metal

Other Data Utils

Lamp Fuel

Gets the first LampFuel that matches the given fluid and blockstate, may be null

TFC.misc.getLampFuel(fluid: Fluid, state: BlockState): LampFuel


Gets the first Drinkable that matches the given fluid, may be null

TFC.misc.getDrinkable(fluid: Fluid): Drinkable


Gets the first Fertilizer that matches the given stack, may be null

TFC.misc.getFertilizer(stack ItemStack): Fertilizer


Gets the first Fuel that matches the given stack, may be null

TFC.misc.getFuel(stack: ItemStack): Fuel


Gets the first Pannable that matches the given block state, may be null

TFC.misc.getPannable(state: BlockState): Pannable


Gets the first Sluiceable that matches the given item, may be null

TFC.misc.getSluiceable(stack: ItemStack): Sluiceable