Custom Blocks, Items, and Fluids

KubeJS TFC allows you to create some of TFC’s block, item, fluid, and BE attachment types


The following types are available:

If FirmaLife is installed, the following types are also available:


Creates a new aqueduct block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:aqueduct

Extra Method

  • .allowedFluids(fluids: string[]): Sets the fluids that the aqueduct may hold
    • fluids: The registry names of fluids the aqueduct can hold. Two liquids with different namespaces but same paths will not be accepted, minecraft:empty will automatically be added


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_aqueduct', 'tfc:aqueduct')

Ground Cover

Creates a new ground cover block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:ground_cover

Extra Methods

  • .ore(): Sets the collision shape to that of TFC’s ores
  • .twig(): Sets the collision shape to that of TFC’s twigs and makes the block flammable
  • .groundCoverModel(model: string): Sets the default parent model, defaults to loose/igneous_intrusive_2
  • .notAxisAligned(): Rotates placed models by 45 degrees
  • .collision(): Enables collision for the block
  • .withPreexistingItem(item: ResourceLocation): Sets the ‘block item’ of the block to be an existing item


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_placed_ore', 'tfc:ground_cover').ore()

Loose Rock

Creates a new loose rock block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:loose_rock

Extra Methods

  • .rotateModel(i: number): Rotates the placed models by the given amount of degrees
  • .collision(): Enables collision for the block
  • .itemTexture(texture: string): Sets the item’s layer0 texture
  • .itemTexture(key: string, texture: string): Sets the item’s texture for the given key
  • .itemTextureJson(json: JsonObject): Sets the json for the item model
  • .rockTypeModel(type: string)Sets the rock type models that should automatically be used, accepts igneous_extrusive, igneous_intrusive, metamorphic, or sedimentary, defaults to metamorphic


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_loose_rock', 'tfc:loose_rock')

Raw Rock

Creates a new raw rock block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:raw_rock

Extra Methods

  • .naturallySupported(supported: boolean): Determines if the block is considered to be naturally supported for the purposes of spawning particles indicating unsupported regions
  • .rockTypeTooltip(component: Component): Sets the tooltip component indicating the block’s rock type
  • .felsicIgneousExtrusive(): Sets the item’s rock type tooltip to be that of felsic igneous extrusive rocks
  • .intermediateIgneousExtrusive(): Sets the item’s rock type tooltip to be that of intermediate igneous extrusive rocks
  • .maficIgneousExtrusive(): Sets the item’s rock type tooltip to be that of intermediate mafic extrusive rocks
  • .maficIgneousIntrusive(): Sets the item’s rock type tooltip to be that of mafic igneous intrusive rocks
  • .felsicIgneousIntrusive(): Sets the item’s rock type tooltip to be that of felsic igneous intrusive rocks
  • .intermediateIgneousIntrusive(): Sets the item’s rock type tooltip to be that of intermediate igneous intrusive rocks
  • .metamorphic(): Sets the item’s rock type tooltip to be that of metamorphic rocks
  • .sedimentary(): Sets the item’s rock type tooltip to be that of sedimentary rocks


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_raw_block', 'tfc:raw_rock')

Rock Spike

Creates a rock spike block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:rock_spike


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_rock_spike', 'tfc:rock_spike')

Thin Spike

Creates a thin spike block

Inherits the methods of tje default block builder

Type: tfc:thin_spike

Extra Methods

  • .drips(): Makes the block drip particles
  • .dripChance(f: number): Sets the chance, in the range [0, 1], the block will drip per tick
  • .dripTemp(f: number): Sets the temperature at which the block must be above to begin dripping
  • .melts(): makes the block melt under certain conditions
  • .meltChance(f: number): Sets the chance, in the range [0, 1], that the block will melt per random tick
  • .meltTemp(f: number): Sets the temperature above which the block can melt
  • .dripParticle(particle: string): The registry name of a particle, the particle that will drip from the block
  • .meltFluid(fluid: FluidStackJS): The fluid that the block melts into
  • .tipModel(model: string): Sets the parent model of the tip state


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_lava_spike', 'tfc:thin_spike')

Moss Spreading

TFC has blocks which can spread moss to moss growing blocks

There are four types: block, stair, slab, and wall and have the same methods as their type’s parent builder

These are effected by TFC’s mossy spreading config

Types: tfc:moss_spreading_block, tfc:moss_spreading_stair, tfc:moss_spreading_slab, tfc:moss_spreading_wall


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_moss_spreading_block', 'tfc:moss_spreading_block')
    event.create('my_moss_spreading_stair', 'tfc:moss_spreading_stair')
    event.create('my_moss_spreading_slab', 'tfc:moss_spreading_slab')
    event.create('my_moss_spreading_wall', 'tfc:moss_spreading_wall')

Moss growing

TFC has blocks which can have moss spread to them from moss spreading blocks

There are four types: block, stair, slab, and wall

Full block

Type: tfc:moss_growing_block

Extra methods:

  • .mossyBlock(block: string): Accepts a string, the registry name of the block this will turn into when moss grows to it
  • .mossyConversion(callback: MossGrowingCallback): Accepts a MossGrowingCallback, sets how the block determines if moss should grow


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_moss_growing_block', 'tfc:moss_growing_block')


Type: tfc:moss_growing_stair

Extra methods:

  • .mossyStair(block: string): Accepts a string, the registry name of a stair block that the block will turn into when moss grows to it
  • .mossyConversion(callback: MossGrowingCallback): Accepts a MossGrowingCallback, sets how the block determines if moss should grow


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_moss_growing_block', 'tfc:moss_growing_block')


Type: tfc:moss_growing_slab

Extra methods:

  • .mossySlab(block: string): Accepts a string, the registry name of a slab block that the block will turn into when moss grows to it
  • .mossyConversionFull(callback: MossGrowingCallback): Accepts a MossGrowingCallback, sets how the block determines if moss should grow when the type state is double
  • .mossyConversionHalf(callback: MossGrowingCallback): Accepts a MossGrowingCallback, sets how the block determines if moss should grow when the type state is top or bottom
  • .mossyConversion(callback: MossGrowingCallback): Accepts a MossGrowingCallback, sets how the block determines if moss should grow for any type state


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_moss_growing_slab', 'tfc:moss_growing_slab')


Type: tfc:moss_growing_wall

Extra methods:

  • .mossyWall(block: string): Accepts a string, the registry name of a wall block that the block will turn into when moss grows to it
  • .mossyConversion(callback: MossGrowingCallback): Accepts a MossGrowingCallback, sets how the block determines if moss should grow


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_moss_growing_wall', 'tfc:moss_growing_wall')

Moss Growing Callback

This is used when determining if a moss growing block should convert to its mossy variant

You are given a BlockContainerJS and a boolean, known as needsWater, which, in default TFC, is always true and expected to return a boolean indicating if the block should convert


// Returns true if the block's y value is greater than 60
(container, needsWater) => {
    return container.pos.y > 60
// Returns true if it is night
(container, needsWater) => {
    return container.level.isNight()
// Returns true if the block is not receiving a redstone signal
(container, needsWater) => {
    return container.level.getBestNeighborSignal(container.pos) == 0


Creates a new lamp block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:lamp

Extra Methods

  • .lightLevel(i: number): Accepts a number, in the range [1, 15], sets the light level the lamp gives off when lit, defaults to 15
  • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_lamp', 'tfc:lamp')

Stationary Berry Bush

Creates a new stationary bush block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:stationary_berry_bush

Extra Methods

  • .lifecycle(month: Month, lifecycle: Lifecycle): Sets the bush’s lifecycle for a particular month, defaults to dormant for ever month, accepts a month for the first parameter, and either healthy, dormant, fruiting, or flowering for the second
  • .productItem(item: Consumer<ItemBuilder>): Sets the properties of the bush’s product item, the item gotten by right clicking a bush when it is fruiting
  • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .productItem(item: ResourceLocation): Sets the bush’s product item to be an existing item, will prevent the other product item from being created

Additionally, this will register a climate range with the same id as the block, it can be set through the data event


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_stationary_bush', 'tfc:stationary_berry_bush')
        .lifecycle('march', 'healthy')
        .lifecycle('april', 'healthy')
        .lifecycle('may', 'flowering')
        .lifecycle('june', 'fruiting')
        .lifecycle('july', 'healthy')

Spreading Berry Bush

Creates a new spreading bush block

Inherits the methods of the stationary bush builder

Type: tfc:spreading_berry_bush

Extra Methods

  • .maxHeight(i: number): Sets the maximum number of blocks the bush may climb, defaults to 3

Additionally, this will register a climate range with the same id as the block, it can be set through the data event


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_spreading_bush', 'tfc:spreading_berry_bush')
        .lifecycle('january', 'fruiting')
        .lifecycle('february', 'fruiting')
        .lifecycle('march', 'healthy')
        .lifecycle('april', 'flowering')


Creates a new dirt block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:dirt

Extra Methods

  • .grass(grass: Consumer<ConnectedGrassBlockBuilder>): Sets the properties of the dirt block’s grass block. Has the same id as the dirt block but with _grass appended to the end. Has the same methods as the default block builder and:
    • .uniqueDirtTexture(): Textures the side of the grass block with a texture path based on the grass block instead of the dirt block
  • .path(path: Consumer<TFCPathBlockBuilder>): Creates and sets the properties of the dirt block’s path bloc. Has the same id as the dirt block but with _path appended to the end. Has the same methods as the default block builder
  • .farmland(farmland: Consumer<TFCFarmlandBlockBuilder>): Creates and sets the properties of the dirt block’s farmland block. Has the same id as the dirt block but with _farmland appended to the end. Has the following methods:
    • Those of the default block builder
    • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .rooted(rooted: Consumer<TFCRootedDirtBlockBuilder>): Creates and sets the properties of the dirt block’s rooted dirt block. Has the same id as the dirt block but with _rooted appended to the end. Has the same methods as the default block builder
  • .mud(mud: Consumer<BlockBuilder>): Creates and sets the properties of the dirt block’s mud block. Has the same id as the dirt block but with _mud appended to the end


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_dirt', 'tfc:dirt')
        .grass(grass => {
        .path(path => {
        .farmland(farmland => {
            farmland.extendedProperties(props => {
                props.flammable(3, 6)
        .rooted(rooted => {

Wild Crops

Creates a new wild crop block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:wild_crop

Extra Methods

  • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .type(type: Type): Sets the type of wild crop block to be used, available options are default, double, flooded, and spreading, defaults to default
  • .spreadingFruitBlock(fruitBlock: ResourceLocation): Sets the block to be used as the fruit block if the wild crop’s type is spreading, defaults to minecraft:honey_block
  • .seeds(seedItem: ResourceLocation): Sets the ‘seed’ item to be used in the auto-generated loot table
  • .food(foodItem: ResourceLocation): Sets the ‘food’ item to be used in the auto-generated loot table


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_wild_spreading_crop', 'tfc:wild_crop')

Default Crops

Creates a new crop block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:crop

Extra Methods

  • .stages(i: number): Sets the number of growth stages the block has, should be a number between 1 and 12, defaults to 8
  • .deadBlock(deadCrop: Consumer<DeadCropBlockBuilder>): A consumer for editing the properties of the crop’s dead block
    • The consumer has the same methods as the default block builder and one additional one:
    • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .seedItem(seedItem: Consumer<SeedItemBuilder>): A consumer for setting the properties of the block’s seed item
  • .productItem(productItem: Consumer<ItemBuilder>): A consumer for setting the properties of the block’s product item
  • .productItem(productItem: ResourceLocation): Sets the crop’s ‘product’ item to be an existing item, will be prevent the other product item from existing
  • .nutrient(nutrient: NutrientType): Sets the nutrient hte crop consumes, available options are nitrogen, phosphorous , and potassium, defaults to nitrogen
  • .texture(texture: string): Sets the crop’s crop texture for all growth stages
  • .textureAll(id: string, texture: string): Sets the crop’s texture for the id for all growth stages
  • .model(model: string): Sets the crop’s model for all growth stages
  • .model(gen: Consumer<ModelGenerator>): Sets the crop’s model for all growth stages
  • .model(i: number, gen: Consumer<ModelGenerator>): Sets the crop’s model for a specific growth stage
  • .model(i: number, model: string): Sets the crop’s model for a specific growth stage
  • .texture(i: number, id: string, texture: string): Textures a specific key for the given stage
  • .texture(i: number, texture: string): Sets the crop’s crop texture for the given growth stage
  • .textures(textures: JsonObject): Sets the crop’s textures for all growth stages
  • .textures(i: number, textures: JsonObject): Sets the crop’s textures for the given growth stage

Additionally this will register a climate range with the same id as the block, it can be set through the data event


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_crop', 'tfc:crop')
        .productItem(product => {

Double Crops

Creates a new double tall crop block

Inherits the methods of the TFC crop builder

Type: tfc:double_crop

Extra Methods

  • .stages(i: number): Sets the number of growth stages the block has, should be a number between 1 and 6, defaults to 4
  • .doubleStages(i: number): Sets the number of stages the crop has in its top state, should be a number between 1 and 6, defaults to 4
  • .requiresStick(required: boolean): Determines if the crop needs a stick to grow


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_double_crop', 'tfc:double_crop')

Spreading Crops

Creates a new spreading crop block

Inherits the methods of the TFC crop builder

Type: tfc:spreading_crop

Extra Method

  • .fruitBlock(fruitBlock: ResourceLocation): Sets the block that will be used as the block’s fruit block, defaults to minecraft:honey_block


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_spreading_crop', 'tfc:spreading_crop')

Flooded Crops

Creates a new flooded crop block

Inherits the methods of TFC’s crop builder

Type: tfc:flooded_crop


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_flooded_crop', 'tfc:flooded_crop')

Pickable Crops

Creates a new spreading crop block

Inherits the methods of TFC’s crop builder

Type: tfc:pickable_crop

Extra Methods

  • .fruit(fruit: ResourceLocation): Sets the item the player will be given when they pick the block
  • .matureFruit(fruit: ResourceLocation): Sets the item the player will be given when they pick the block and the crop is mature, defaults to minecraft:apple


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_pickable_crop', 'tfc:pickable_crop')


Creates a new support block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Will not automatically support blocks, use the support method in the data event for that

Type: tfc:support

Extra methods

  • .horizontal(horizontalSUpport: Consumer<HorizontalSupportBlockBuilder>): Allows for editing of the properties of the horizontal block
    • The consumer has the same methods as the default block builder and one additional one:
    • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_support', 'tfc:support')


Creates a new anvil block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:anvil

Extra Methods

  • .tier(i: number): Sets the tier of the anvil, defaults to 0
  • .defaultName(name: Component): Sets the default name of the anvil screen, defaults to Text.translatable('tfc.block_entity.anvil')
  • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_anvil', 'tfc:anvil')


Creates a new axle block, in addition to blocks derived from it

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:axle

Extra Methods

  • .axleTexture(texture: string): Sets the texture the axle will be rendered with
  • .windmill(windmill: Consumer<WindmillBlockBuilder>): Sets the properties of the axle’s windmill block
    • The consumer has the same methods as the default block builder and one additional one:
    • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .waterWheel(waterWheel: Consumer<WaterWheelBlockBuilder>): Creates and sets the properties of the axle’s water wheel block
    • The consumer has the same methods as the default block builder plus:
    • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
    • .texture(texture: string): Sets the texture the water wheel will use, the path is relative to /textures/entity/waterwheel/
  • .gearBox(gearBox: Consumer<GearBoxBlockBuilder>): Creates and sets the properties of the axle’s gear box block
    • The consumer has the same methods as the default block builder plus:
    • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .clutch(clutch: Consumer<ClutchBlockBuilder>): Creates and sets the properties of the axle’s clutch block
    • The consumer has the same methods as the default block builder plus:
    • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .bladedAxle(bladed: Consumer<BladedAxleBlockBuilder>): Creates and sets the properties of the axle’s bladed axle block
    • The consumer has the same methods as the default block builder plus:
    • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties
  • .extendedProperties(props: Consumer<ExtendedPropertiesJS>): A consumer, that sets some of TFC’s extended properties


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_axle', 'tfc:axle')
        .waterWheel(wheel => {

Encased Axles

Creates a new encased axles block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: tfc:encased_axle


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_encased_axle', 'tfc:encased_axle')

FirmaLife Cheese Wheel

Creates a new cheese wheel block

Inherits the methods of the default block builder

Type: firmalife:cheese_wheel

Extra Method

  • .sliceItem(slice: Consumer<ItemBuilder>): Sets the properties of the cheese wheel’s slice item


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('my_cheese_wheel', 'firmalife:cheese_wheel')

Extended Properties

Some of TFC’s blocks have extended properties which allow the block properties object passed into them to define more of their behavior, builders for these types of blocks have a method with a consumer that allows you to modify some of those properties

  • .flammable(flammability: number, fireSpreadSpeed: number): Sets the flammability and fire spread speed of the block
  • .pathType(pathType: BlockPathTypes): Sets the block’s path type, used by mobs to determine if they may walk over it or not
  • .enchantPower(f: number): Sets the block’s enchant power
  • .enchantPowerFunction(function: Function<BlockState, Double>): Sets the function the block uses to determine its enchant power based on its block state
  • .noCollision(): Removes the block’s collision
  • .noOcclusion(): Makes the block not occlude blocks behind it
  • .friction(f: number): Sets the friction of the block
  • .speedFactor(f: number): Sets the speed factor of the block
  • .jumpFactor(f: number): Sets the jump factor of the block
  • .sound(sound: SoundType): Sets the sound type the block uses
  • .lightLevel(lightLevel: Function<BlockState, number>): Sets the light level, in the range [0, 15], of teh block, as a function of its state
  • .strength(destroyTime: number, explosionResistance: number): Sets the destroy time and explosion resistance of the block
  • .instabreak(): Makes the block instabreak
  • .strength(f: number): Sets the destroy time and explosion resistance of the block
  • .randomTicks(): Sets the block to random tick
  • .dynamicShape(): Marks the block as having a dynamic shape
  • .noLootTable(): Marks the block as having no loot table
  • .dropsLike(block: Supplier<Block>): makes the block drop like the supplied block
  • .air(): Marks the block as being air-like
  • .isValidSpawn(isValidSpawn: BlockBehaviour$StateArgumentPredicate<EntityType<?>>): Determines if an entity may spawn on the block
  • .isSuffocating(isSuffocating: BlockBehaviour$StatePredicate): Determines if the block is suffocating
  • .isViewBlocking(isBlocking: BlockBehaviour$StatePredicate): Determines if the block is view blocking
  • .requiresCorrectToolForDrops(): Sets the block to require a ‘correct’ tool (as determined by a tag) for it to drops its loot table
  • .mapColor(color: MapColor): Sets the map color of the block
  • .mapColor(color: Function<BlockState, MapColor>): Sets the map color of the block per state
  • .destroyTime(f: number): Sets the destroy time of the block
  • .explosionResistance(f: number): Sets the explosion resistance of the block
  • .ignitedByLava(): Sets the block to be ignited bt lava
  • .forceSolidOn(): Forces the block to be solid
  • .forceSolidOff(): Forces the block to be non-solid (?)
  • .pushReaction(reaction: PushReaction): Sets the block’s reaction to being pushed by pistons
  • .offsetType(type: OffsetType): Sets the block’s hitbox offset type
  • .noParticlesOnBreak(): Sets the block to not create any particles when broken
  • .instrument(instrument: NoteBlockInstrument): Sets the note block instrument the block has
  • .defaultInstrument(): Sets the block’s not block instrument to be the harp
  • .replaceable(): Marks the block as being replaceable


The following types are available:

If FirmaLife is installed, the following types are also available:

If Precision Prospecting is installed, the following types are also available:

Additionally, TFC’s tool and armor tiers are added to KubeJS’s tool and armor tier values


Creates a new chisel item

Inherits the methods of other tool builders

Type: tfc:chisel


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_chisel', 'tfc:chisel')

Fluid Container

Creates a new fluid container item

Inherits the methods of the basic item builder

Type: tfc:fluid_container

This item requires two textures to function properly

  • item/<name>: The base texture
  • item/<name> + _overlay: The overlay texture, defines where the contained fluid will be shown in the item’s sprite. See one of TFC’s overlays for what it should look like

For the example below, the textures would be in kubejs/textures/item/my_fluid_container.png and kubejs/textures/item/my_fluid_container_overlay.png

Extra Methods

  • .canPlaceLiquid(b: boolean): Determines if the item can place liquids in world, defaults to false
  • .canPlaceLiquidSource(b: boolean): Determines if the the item can place source blocks in world, defaults to false
  • .capacity(i: number): Sets the mB capacity of the item, defaults to 100
  • .fluidTagAccept(tag: string): Sets the fluid tag that the item accepts, defaults to tfc:usable_in_jug
  • .filledDisplayName(c: COmponent): Accepts a text component, sets the display name when the object has a fluid in it, will be overridden by an entry in a lang file if it exists
  • .capacity(capacity: Supplier<Integer>): Sets the mB supplier capacity of the item, defaults to () => 100


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_fluid_container', 'tfc:fluid_container')


Creates a new fluid hammer item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: tfc:hammer

Extra Method

  • .metalTexture(texture: string): Sets the texture of the hammer when in a trip hammer, this is required if you want the hammer to be usable in a trip hammer


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_electrum_hammer', 'tfc:hammer')


Creates a new javelin item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: tfc:javelin

Extra Methods

  • .thrownDamage(f: number): Sets the thrown damage of the javelin, defaults to 0.3
  • .skeletonWeapon(): Adds the item to the tfc:skeleton_weapons item tag


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => [
    event.create('my_javelin', 'tfc:javelin')


Creates a new mace item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: tfc:mace


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_mace', 'tfc:mace')


Creates a new mold item

Inherits the methods of the basic item builder

Type: tfc:mold

This item requires two textures to function properly

  • item/<name>: The base texture
  • item/<name> + _overlay: The overlay texture, defines where the contained fluid will be shown in the item’s sprite. See one of TFC’s overlays for what it should look like

For the example below, the textures would be in kubejs/textures/item/my_mold.png and kubejs/textures/item/my_mold_overlay.png

Extra Methods

  • .capacity(i: number): Sets the mB capacity of the mold, defaults to 100
  • .fluidTagAccept(fluidTag: string): Sets the fluid tag that the item accepts, defaults to tfc:usable_in_ingot_mold
  • .capacity(capacity: Supplier<Integer>): Sets the mB capacity supplier of the mold, defaults to () => 100

If TFC Casting with Channels is installed, the following method is available

  • .tfcccAllowedInMoldTable(model?: List<string>): Allows the mold to be placed in a mold table
    • Optional 1st parameter: A list of strings, may be omitted to not automatically generate a model. If present, there should be 14 strings each with 14 characters in them. See one of the defaults for an example of how it should look


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_mold', 'tfc:mold')


Creates a new propick item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: tfc:propick


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_propick', 'tfc:propick')


Creates a new scythe item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: tfc:scythe

Extra Method

  • .mineableBlocksTag(blockTag: string): Sets the block tag that the scythe can properly dig at full speed, defaults to tfc:mineable_with_scythe


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_scythe', 'tfc:scythe')


Creates a new TFC hoe item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: tfc:hoe


startupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_hoe', 'tfc:hoe')


Creates a new ‘tool’ item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: tfc:tool

Extra methods

  • .mineableBlocksTag(blockTag: string): Sets the block tag that the ‘tool’ can properly dig at full speed, defaults to tfc:mineable_with_knife
  • .knife(): Adds the item to the tfc:knives tag and sets its mineable blocks tag to tfc:mineable_with_knife


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_tool', 'tfc:tool')

Fishing Rod

Creates a new fishing rod item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: tfc:fishing_rod

Extra Methods

  • .fishingStrength(f: number): Sets the fishing strength of the rod, defaults to a value based on the tool’s tier
  • .castModel(model: string): Sets the model used when the rod is cast, if not set a default one will be created which will use a texture with the same path as the normal texture with _cast appended to the end
  • .smallBait(): Adds the rod to the correct tag to allow it to hold small bait
  • .largeBait(): Adds the rod to the correct tag to allow it to hold large bait


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_fishing_rod', 'tfc:fishing_rod')


Creates a new jar item

Inherits the methods of the default item builder

Type: tfc:jar

Extra Method

  • .placedModel(model: string): Sets the model of the jar when placed, defaults to the item’s id


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_jar', 'tfc:jar')


Creates a new glassworking item

Inherits the methods of the default item builder

Type: tfc:glassworking

Extra Method

  • .operation(operation: GlassOperation): Sets the GlassOperation the item is capable of performing, defaults to saw


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_glass_cutter', 'tfc:glassworking')

Windmill Blade

Creates a new windmill blade item

Inherits the methods of the default item builder

Type: tfc:windmill_blade

Extra Methods

  • .bladeColor(color: Color): Sets the color of the blade, defaults to 0x000000
  • .bladeTexture(texture: string): Sets the texture of the windmill blade, defaults to tfc:textures/entity/misc/windmill_blade.png


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_windmill_blade', 'tfc:windmill_blade')

Glassworking Tool

Creates a new glassworking tool

Inherits the methods of the tool item builder

Type: tfc:glassworking_tool

Extra method

  • .operation(operation: GlassOperation): Sets the GlassOperation the item is capable of performing, defaults to saw


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_glass_working_tool', 'tfc:glassworking_tool')

FirmaLife Watering Can

Creates a new watering can item

Inherits the methods of the default item builder

Type: firmalife:watering_can


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_watering_can', 'firmalife:watering_can')

Precision Prospecting Prospector Hammer

Creates a new prospector’s hammer item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: precpros:hammer


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_prospector_hammer', 'precpros:hammer')

Precision Prospecting Prospector Drill

Creates a new prospector’s drill item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: precpros:drill


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_prospector_drill', 'precpros:drill')

Precision Prospecting Mineral Prospector

Creates a new mineral prospector item

Inherits the methods of other tool item builders

Type: precpros:mineral


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_mineral_prospector', 'precpros:mineral')

Precision Prospecting Custom Prospector

Creates a new custom prospector item

Inherits the methods of other tool items

Type: precpros:custom

Extra Methods

  • .cooldown(i: number): Sets the cooldown, in ticks, the item gets when it prospects, defaults to 20
  • .primaryRadius(i: number): Sets the primary radius of the prospector, defaults to 10
  • .primaryRadius(supplier: Supplier<Integer>): Sets the integer supplier that defines the item’s primary radius, defaults to () => 10
  • .secondaryRadius(i: number): Sets the secondary radius of the prospector, defaults to 10
  • .secondaryRadius(supplier: Supplier<Integer>): Sets the integer supplier that defines the item’s secondary radius, defaults to () => 10
  • .displacement(i: number): Sets the displacement of the prospector, defaults to 0
  • .displacement(supplier: Supplier<Integer>): Sets the integer supplier that defines the item’s displacement, defaults to () => 0
  • .prospectTag(blockTag: string): Sets the block tag that the item can prospect, defaults to tfc:prospectable


StartupEvents.registry('item', event => {
    event.create('my_clay_prospector', 'precpros:custom')

Tool Tiers

KubeJS TFC adds TFC’s tool tiers to KubeJS’s predefined tier list

  • igneous_intrusive
  • igneous_extrusive
  • sedimentary
  • metamorphic
  • copper
  • bronze
  • bismuth_bronze
  • black_bronze
  • wrought_iron
  • steel
  • black_steel
  • blue_steel
  • red_steel

Armor Tiers

KubeJS TFC adds TFC’s armor tiers to KubeJS’s predefined tier list

  • copper
  • bismuth_bronze
  • black_bronze
  • bronze
  • wrought_iron
  • steel
  • black_steel
  • blue_steel
  • red_steel


The following types are available:


Creates a new spring-like fluid

Inherits the methods of the basic fluid builder

Type: tfc:spring

Extra Methods

  • .bubbleParticle(particle: string): Accepts a string, the registry name of a particle, sets the bubble particle of the liquid block, defaults to minecraft:bubble1
  • .steamParticle(particle: string): Accepts a string, the registry name of a particle, sets the steam particle of the liquid block, defaults to tfc:steam1
  • .healingAmount(f: number): Sets the amount of health an entity gets while standing in the fluid, defaults to 0.08
  • .hasBubbles(b: boolean): Determines if the liquid emits bubble particles, defaults to true
  • .hasSteam(b: boolean): Determines if the liquid emits steam particles, defaults to true


StartupEvents.registry('fluid', event => {
    event.create('my_cool_fluid', 'tfc:spring')


In 1.20.1, KubeJS added the ability to add block entity attachments to its basic blocks, KubeJS TFC adds an attachment that can be used in scripts


Adds a new inventory attachment that can have its contents restricted based on TFC’s size and weight values

Type: tfc:inventory


  • width: A number, determines how wide the container is, identical to KubeJS’s default inventory width. Required
  • height: A number, determines how tall the container is, identical to KubeJS’s default inventory height. Required
  • inputFilter: An ingredient, a filter for what items are allowed into the container, identical to KubeJS’s default inventory inputFilter. Optional
  • size: A Predicate<Size>, a filter for what size of items are allowed into the container. Optional
  • weight: A Predicate<Weight>, a filter for what weight of items are allowed into the container. Optional


StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
        .blockEntity(be => {
            be.attach('tfc:inventory', {
                width: 9,
                height: 1,
                size: size => size.isSmallerThan('large') // Limits the inventory to sizes smaller than large
            be.rightClickOpensInventory() // Required if you wish to have the inventory open on right click
  1. A full list of all particle types can be attained by running the command /kubejs dump_registry minecraft:particle_type in-game  2