
KubeJS TFC allows users to easily write TFC’s custom data types in the event

If FirmaLife is installed, the following are also available

Additionally, the ability to access and manipulate some of TFC’s non-datapack accessable data TFC adds to the player is accessable form a Player object in scripts. See here for specifics

Most of these methods have an optional final argument which specifies the ‘name’ of the definition

This refers to the directory location of the virtual json file, for instance if, for a entity resistance, you gave it the name kubejs:fish_get_pierced, the resulting file would act as if it had been placed in data/kubejs/tfc/entity_damage_resistances/fish_get_pierced.json, the tfc/<dataType> folders do not need to be provided

If no name is provided, one will be automatically generated with the namespace kubejs_tfc and, unless otherwise noted, a path matching a base 16 hash of the (usually) 1st argument’s toString() value

Climate Ranges

See the main page!

Method Signature

event.climateRange(climateRange: Consumer<BuildClimateRangeData>, name: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: A consumer with several additional methods:
    • .minHydration(i: number): Accepts a number, in the range [0, 100], specifying the minimum hydration, defaults to 0
    • .maxHydration(i: number): Accepts a number, in the range [0, 100], specifying the maximum hydration, defaults to 100
    • .hydrationWiggle(i: number): Accepts a number, specifying the wiggle range for hydration when consulting wiggliness is enabled, defaults to 0
    • .minTemperature(f: number): Accepts a number, in the range [-100, 100], specifying the minimum temperature, defaults to -100
    • .maxTemperature(f: number): Accepts a number, in the range [-100, 100], specifying the maximum temperature, defaults to 100
    • .temperatureWiggle(f: number): Accepts a number specifying the wiggle range for temperature when consulting wiggliness is enabled, defaults to 0
  • 2nd argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the climate range

Climate ranges cannot be added through this, only existing, registered ones can be modified

Example => {
    event.climateRange(climate => {
    }, 'tfc:barley')

Damage Resistances

See the main page!

Method Signatures

event.itemDamageResistance(ingredient: Ingredient, piercing: @Nullable number, slashing: @Nullable number, crushing: @Nullable number, name?: ResourceLocation)
event.entityDamageResistance(entityTag: string, piercing: @Nullable number, slashing: @Nullable number, crushing: @Nullable number, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument:
    • For items: An ingredient, the armor items the resistance applies to
    • For entities: A string, the entity tag to be given the resistance
  • 2nd argument: A number, the piercing resistance, may be null to not specify a resistance
  • 3rd argument: A number, the slashing resistance, may be null to not specify a resistance
  • 4th argument: A number, the crushing resistance, may be null to not specify a resistance
  • Optional 5th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the resistance

Examples => {
    event.itemDamageResistance('minecraft:iron_helmet', 300, 2, null)
    event.entityDamageResistance('minecraft:fish', -500, null, 3, 'kubejs:fish_get_pierced')


See the main page!

Method Signature

event.drinkable(fluidIngredient: FluidIngredient, drinkableData: Consumer<BuildDrinkableData>, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: A fluid ingredient which defines which fluids the drinkable applies to
  • 2nd argument: A consumer with several additional methods:
    • .consumeChance(f: number): Accepts a number, in the range [0, 1], and sets the chance that a source block will be removed when drank from, defaults to 0
    • .thirst(i: number): Accepts a number, in the range [0, 100], the amount of thirst the drinkable consumes per 25mB drank, defaults to 0
    • .intoxication(i: number): Accepts a number, ≥ 0, and sets the number of ticks the player will be intoxicated for per 25mB drank, defaults to 0
    • .effect(effect: string, effectData?: Consumer<BuildEffectData>): Accepts a string, the name of the effect1 to be applied and an optional consumer with several additional methods:
      • .duration(i: number): Accepts a number specifying the number of ticks the effect is applied for, defaults to 20
      • .amplifier(i: number): Accepts a number specifying the level of the potion effect applied, defaults to 0
      • .chance(f: number): Accepts a number, in the range [0, 1], specifying the chance the effect will be applied per 25mB drank, defaults to 1
    • .food(foodData: Consumer<BuildFoodItemData>): Accepts a consumer with the same methods as the one in food items
  • Optional 3rd argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the drinkable

Example => {
    event.drinkable('minecraft:lava', data => {
        data.effect('minecraft:wither', effect => {
        }) => {


See the main page!

Method Signature

event.fauna(climateData: Consumer<PlacedFeatureProperties$Climate>, faunaData: Consumer<BuildFaunaData>, name: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: A consumer with methods matching those of the placed feature climate decorator
  • 2nd argument: A consumer with several additional methods:
    • .chance(i: number): Accepts a number, sets the chance in 1/N chunks that something will spawn, defaults to 1
    • .distanceBelowSeaLevel(i: number): Accepts a number, sets the distance below sea level something must spawn, should only be set for underwater creatures
    • .solidGround(b: boolean): Accepts a boolean, determines if the mob is required to spawn on a block tagged minecraft:valid_spawn, defaults to false
    • .maxBrightness(i: number): Accepts a number, sets the maximum light level the mob may spawn in
  • 3rd argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the fauna

Faunas cannot be added through this, only existing, registered ones can be modified

To register a fauna definition see the event for registering them

Example => {
    event.fauna(climate => {
    }, fauna => {
    }, 'tfc:pufferfish')


See the main page!

Method Signature

event.fertilizer(ingredient: Ingredient, nitrogen: @Nullable number, phosphorus: @Nullable number, potassium: @Nullable number, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: An item ingredient, the items the fertilizer applies to
  • 2nd argument: A number, sets the nitrogen value of the fertilizer, may be null to not set a value, defaults to 0
  • 3rd argument: A number, sets the phosphorus value of the fertilizer, may be null to not set a value, defaults to 0
  • 4th argument: A number, sets the potassium value of the fertilizer, may be null to not set a value, defaults to 0
  • Optional 5th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the fertilizer

Example => {
    event.fertilizer('minecraft:rooted_dirt', 0.2, null, 0.1, 'kubejs:root_fertilizer')

Food Items

See the main page!

Method Signature

event.foodItem(ingredient: Ingredient, foodItemData: Consumer<BuildFoodItemData>, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: An item ingredient, the items to which the food item definition applies to
  • 2nd argument: A consumer with several additional methods:
    • .type(type: string): Accepts a string, sets the food definition to be a special type, accepts either dynamic or dynamic_bowl. See the main page for specifications on what this is used for. If this is set, other values should not be set
    • .hunger(i: number): Accepts a number, sets how much hunger the food restores, defaults to 4. A full hunger bar is 20
    • .saturation(f: number): Accepts a number, sets how much saturation the food restores, defaults to 0
    • .water(f: number): Accepts a number, sets how much water the food restores, defaults to 0. A full water bar is equal to 100
    • .decayModifier(f: number): Accepts a number, sets how quickly the food decays, defaults to 1. A higher number indicates a faster decay rate
    • .grain(f: number): Accepts a number, sets the amount of grain nutrient the food restores, defaults to 0
    • .fruit(f: number): Accepts a number, sets the amount of fruit nutrient the food restores, defaults to 0
    • .vegetables(f: number): Accepts a number, sets the amount of vegetable nutrient the food restores, defaults to 0
    • .protein(f: number): Accepts a number, sets the amount of protein nutrient the food restores, defaults to 0
    • .dairy(f: number): Accepts a number, sets the amount of dairy nutrient the food restores, defaults to 0
  • Optional 3rd argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the food definition

Example => {
    event.foodItem('minecraft:cooked_porkchop', food => {


See the main page!

Method Signature

event.fuel(ingredient: Ingredient, temperature: number, duration: number, purity: @Nullable number, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: An item ingredient, the items the fuel applies to
  • 2nd argument: A number, the temperature °C that the fuel burns at
  • 3rd argument: A number, the number of ticks the fuel burns for
  • 4th argument: A number, the purity of the fuel, may be null to not specify a value
  • Optional 5th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the fuel

Example => {
    event.fuel('minecraft:coal_block', 1575, 3500, 0.95)

Item Heats

See the main page!

Method Signature

event.itemHeat(ingredient: Ingredient, heatCapacity: number, forgingTemperature: @Nullable number, weldingTemperature: @Nullable number, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: An item ingredient, the items the heat definition applies to
  • 2nd argument: A number, specifies how fast the the item heats up relative to others, measured in Energy / °C
  • 3rd argument: A number, specifies the temperature at which the item can be worked, may be null to allow working at any temperature
  • 4th argument: A number, specifies the temperature at which the item can be welded, may be null to allow welding at any temperature
  • Optional 5th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the heat definition

Example => {
    event.itemHeat('minecraft:netherite_ingot', 0.7, null, 1700)

Item Size

See the main page!

Method Signature

event.itemSize(ingredient: Ingredient, size: @Nullable Size, weight: @Nullable Weight, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: An item ingredient, the items the size applies to
  • 2nd argument: A Size, sets the size of the item, may be tiny, very_small, small, normal, large, very_large, huge, or null to not specify a size
  • 3rd argument: A Weight, sets the weight of the item, may be very_light, light, medium, heavy, very_heavy, or null to not specify a weight
  • Optional 4th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the size definition

Example => {
    event.itemSize('minecraft:gold_ingot', 'huge', 'very_heavy')

Knapping Types

See the main page!

Method Signature

    ingredient: Ingredient,
    ingredientCount: number,
    amountToConsume: number,
    clickSound: string,
    consumeAfterComplete: boolean,
    useDisabledTexture: boolean,
    spawnsParticles: boolean,
    jeiIconItem: ItemStack,
    name: ResourceLocation
  • 1st argument: An item ingredient, the ingredient for what item has to be knapped, must be part of the tfc:any_knapping tag to work. You may also need to restart the MC instance for th game to recognize the item has been added to the tag
  • 2nd argument: A number, the minimum number of items matching the ingredient that must be held in order open the knapping menu
  • 3rd argument: A number, the number of items that gets used by a recipe
  • 4th argument: A string, the registry name of a sound event that plays when knapping occurs2
  • 5th argument: A boolean, determines if the inputs should be consumed when the first square is clicked or when the result is removed
  • 6th argument: A boolean, if true, a clicked spot will show a different texture rather than nothing
  • 7th argument: A boolean, determines if the screen should spawn small particles when clicking buttons
  • 8th argument: An ItemStack, the icon item for the JEI recipe category
  • 9th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the knapping type

Example => {
    event.knappingType('minecraft:deepslate', 1, 5, 'minecraft:entity.warden.roar', false, true, true, 'minecraft:deepslate', 'kubejs:deepslate')

Lamp Fuels

See the main page!

Method Signature

event.lampFuel(fluidIngredient: FluidIngredient, blockIngredient: BlockIngredient, burnRate: number, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: A FluidIngredient, determines which fluids the lamp fuel applies to
  • 2nd argument: A BlockIngredient, determines what (lamp) blocks are valid for this fuel to be added to
  • 3rd argument: A number, represents how fast the fuel is consumed, in ticks per mB
  • Optional 4th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the lamp fuel

Example => {
    event.lampFuel('tfc:salt_water', '#tfc:lamps', 1)


See the main page!

Method Signature

    fluid: Fluid,
    meltTemperature: number,
    heatCapacity: number,
    ingot: @Nullable Ingredient,
    doubleIngot: @Nullable Ingredient,
    sheet: @Nullable Ingredient,
    tier: number,
    name?: ResourceLocation
  • 1st argument: A Fluid, the fluid this metal is built upon
  • 2nd argument: A number, the melting temperature of the metal
  • 3rd argument: A number, specifies how fast the metal heats up relative to others, measured in Energy / (mB * °C)
  • 4th argument: An item ingredient, defines the ingots of the metal, may be null to indicate the metal does not have any ingots
  • 5th argument: An item ingredient, defines the double ingots of the metal, may be null to indicate the metal does not have any double ingots
  • 6th argument: An item ingredient, defines the sheets of the metal, may be null to indicate the metal does not have any sheets
  • 7th argument: A number, the tier of the metal
  • Optional 8th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the metal

If no name is provided, one will be automatically generated from the fluid

The name is generated like so:

  • The name space becomes kubejs_tfc
  • the path becomes the name of the fluid with the following applied:
    • All non a-z0-9 characters are replaced with _
    • All repeating _s are shortened to just one _
    • Any preceding or trailing _s are removed
    • The string is limited to its first 65 characters if applicable

Example => {
    event.metal('minecraft:lava', 2000, 0.5, null, null, 'kubejs:lava_sheet', 3, 'kubejs:lava') // If the name had not be specified it would have been 'kubejs_tfc:minecraft_lava'


See the main page!

Method Signature BlockIngredient, up: number, down: number, horizontal: number, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: A BlockIngredient, determines what blocks the support applies to
  • 2nd argument: A number, the number of blocks up the block supports
  • 3rd argument: A number, the number of blocks down the block supports
  • 4th argument: A number, the number of blocks horizontally the block supports
  • Optional 5th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the support

Example => {'minecraft:cobblestone_wall', 3, 4, 10)


See the main page!

Method Signature

event.sluicing(ingredient: Ingredient, lootTable: string, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: An item ingredient, the items the sluicing definition applies to
  • 2nd argument: A string, the location of a loot table to be dropped for this item
  • Optional 3rd argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the sluicing definition

Example => {
    event.sluicing('minecraft:rooted_dirt', 'kubejs:roots')


See the main page!

Method Signature

event.panning(blockIngredient: BlockIngredient, lootTable: string, models: List<string>, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: A BlockIngredient, the blocks that will go into the pan
  • 2nd argument: A string, the location of a loot table to be dropped for the ingredient
  • 3rd argument: A list of strings which are model locations to be iterated through as panning progresses
  • Optional 4th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the panning definition

Example => {
    event.panning('minecraft:gravel', 'kubejs:gravel_panning', ['tfc:item/pan/native_gold/quartzite_full', 'tfc:item/pan/native_gold/result'])

Firmalife Greenhouse Type

See the main page!

Method Signature

event.firmalifeGreenhouseType(ingredient: BlockIngredient, tier: number, name?: ResourceLocation)
  • 1st argument: A BlockIngredient, the blocks that will be accepted by the greenhouse type
  • 2nd argument: A number, the tier of the greenhouse, values for the default types are as follows:
    • Wood: 5
    • Copper: 10
    • Iron: 15
    • Stainless Steel: 20
  • Optional 3rd argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the greenhouse type

Example => {
    event.firmalifeGreenhouseType('#kubejs:greenhouse_glass', 7)

Firmalife Planter

See the main page!

Method Signature

    ingredient: Ingredient,
    planterType: @Nullable PlanterType,
    tier: @Nullable number,
    stages: @Nullable number,
    extraSeedChance: @Nullable number,
    seed: @Nullable ItemStack,
    crop: ItemStack,
    nutrient: @Nullable Nutrient,
    textures: string[],
    special: @Nullable string,
    name?: ResourceLocation
  • 1st argument: An item ingredient, the seed items to be used for the plantable definition
  • 2nd argument: The planter type to use, may be quad, large, hanging, trellis, bonsai, or hydroponic, may be null to default to quad
  • 3rd argument: The minimum greenhouse tier needed for the plant to grow, defaults to 0
  • 4th argument: How many stages the planter has, one less than the number of textures the planter must cycle through, may be null for trellis, and bonsai planter types
  • 5th argument: A number, in the range [0, 1], determines the chance of getting an extra seed stack back when harvesting, may be null to default to 0.5
  • 6th argument: An item stack, the seed item returned when harvested, may be null to not drop a seed item
  • 7th argument: An item stack, the product of the crop
  • 8th argument: A Nutrient, the nutrient the crop consumes, may be nitrogen, phosphorous, or potassium, may be null to default to nitrogen
  • 9th argument: An array of strings, the path of textures to use. Has different rules for different planter types
    • For large, quad, hydroponic, and hanging planter types: Order the textures in the same order as the growth order
    • For the trellis planter type: Order the textures in the order growing, dry, flowering, fruiting
    • For the bonsai planter type: Order the textures in the order fruiting, dry, flowering, branch, leaves
  • 10th argument: A string, the extra texture used by hanging planter types. Pass in the fruit texture if the planter type is hanging else pass in null
  • Optional 11th argument: A ResourceLocation, the name of the planter definition

Example => {

Attached TFC data

In order to add nutrition, the chisel mode, and a few other things TFC attaches some extra data to the player. This can be accessed through a Player object through the getData() method which returns a Map<String, Object>. TFC’s data can be accessed through tfc:player_data

There are several methods to access and modify the state of TFC’s additional data

Method Signatures

declare class TFCPlayerDataJS {
    constructor(player: Player)
    getChiselMode(): ChiselMode
    setChiselMode(mode: ChiselMode): void
    getIntoxicatedTicks(): number
    addIntoxicatedTicks(ticks: number): void
    getLastDrinkTick(): number
    setLastDrinkTick(tick: number): void
    playerEat(item: ItemStack): void
    getFoodLevel(): number
    setFoodLevel(i: number): void
    needsFood(): boolean
    addExhaustion(f: number): void
    getSaturationLevel(): number
    setSaturationLevel(f: number): void
    getThirstModifier(): number
    getThirstContributionFromTemperature(): number
    getThirst(): number
    setThirst(f: number): void
    addThirst(f: number): void
    getAverageNutrition(): number
    getNutrient(nutrient: Nutrient): number
    getNutrients(): number[]
  • .getChiselMode(): Returns the player’s current ChiselMode, will be either smooth, stair, or slab
  • .setChiselMode(mode: ChiselMode): Sets the player’s current chisel mode, will accept smooth, stair, or slab
  • .getIntoxicatedTicks(): Returns the number of ticks the player is intoxicated for
  • .addIntoxicatedTicks(ticks: number): Adds to the player’s intoxicated ticks
  • .getLastDrinkTick(): Returns the last tick the player drank something
  • .setLastDrinkTick(tick: number): Sets the last tick the player drank something
  • .playerEat(item: ItemStack): Makes the player eat the provided ItemStack
  • .getFoodLevel(): Returns the player’s current food level
  • .setFoodLevel(i: number): Sets the player’s current food level
  • .needsFood(): Returns true if the player needs food
  • .addExhaustion(f: number): Adds the given exhaustion to the player
  • .getSaturationLevel(): Returns the player’s saturation level
  • .setSaturationLevel(f: number): Sets the player’s saturation level
  • .getThirstModifier(): Returns the player’s total thirst loss per tick, on a scale of [0, 100]
  • .getThirstContributionFromTemperature(): Returns the player’s total thirst lost per tick from ambient temperature in addition to regular loss
  • .getThirst(): Returns the player’s thirst
  • .setThirst(f: number): Sets the player’s thirst
  • .addThirst(f: number): Adds the provided thirst the the player’s thirst
  • .getAverageNutrition(): Returns the average nutrition level of the player
  • .getNutrient(nutrient: Nutrient): Returns the player’s nutrition level for the given nutrient, accepts grain, fruit, vegetables, protein, and dairy
  • .getNutrients(): Returns an array of 5 numbers, corresponding to each nutrient in the order grain, fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy


 * @ param {Internal.Player} player
function doThing(player) {
    let tfcData =['tfc:player_data']
    if (tfcData.thirst < 20 && tfcData.averageNutrition < 0.3) {
  1. A full list of all effects can be attained by running the command /kubejs dump_registry minecraft:mob_effect in-game 

  2. A full list of all sound events can be attained by running the command /kubejs dump_registry minecraft:sound_event in-game