Cloud Watching

Starship pilot who can’t leave, not yet

“Well, Driscoll, you about ready to get off this rock? Sitting here, doing close to nothing must be getting to you.”

In the distance lightning flashed in the clouds as he began, “I’ve missed this, I really have. I’d forgotten just how nice it can be planetside.”

“You’ve missed this? The choking humidity, your own body weighing you down, the plants that cut you while you walk by ‘em, you missed all that?”

“Now, I wouldn’t put it that way, Hoss. I mean the rain, the rolling dark clouds, the breeze on my back. Home was real dry, dryer ‘an the port even, and every fall these massive storms just like this would roll in and just make the sky so beautiful.”

“You were born planetside, eh? Alright, stay a while, you’ve got more vacation stored up than’s reasonable anyway. I’m heading up, you know how to reach me if you need anything. Enjoy your cloud watching.”

“I will, Hoss, I will.”

originally appeared on cohost!