Enter Hoss

Starship pilot who isn’t ready to say goodbye

“It ain’t right. You’re the best Operations Control Commander this port’s had since it was built, and you’re just up and retiring? How long did you spend thinking it over, 3 hours? You’ve obligations, have you considered what’s gonna happen with this cycle’s material import without you? The filtration refit? The-“

The commander cut him off, “Driscoll, as heartwarming it is to see you this… animated, I promise you it’s all handled, and it certainly isn’t a spur-of-the-moment thing. I know you’ll never say it, but I’ll miss you too, I’ll try to visit. If you’re ever planetside, visit me, ok? You can tell me about your campaigns and how the port’s getting along. And hey, I’ve been training a replacement for a long time now, and they know all about what needs to happen and when.”

Driscoll was quiet for a moment, churning over Commander Kaz’s words. She had become slightly concerned when he finally asked, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

The commander sighed, moving her face into her hands, “Yeah, I suppose that’s on me a bit. I kept trying to find a way to tell you in a way that… felt right I suppose, eventually work got in the way and I simply forgot I hadn’t told you. That… that’s on me, I’m sorry.”

There was a knock at the door. The commander checked her watch and smiled, then stood and motioned for Driscoll to do the same. “Come in!” The person walked into the now rather cramped office as Driscoll stood. “Driscoll, this is Antas Guildwurn, Port-in-Orbit Olwicks-2’s new Operations Control Commander, my replacement.”

Driscoll inspected them, still unsure of the day’s events. There was something somewhat familiar about their face, it resembled someone he had once known, before he was a pilot. Without even realizing it, he was speaking, “Hello Hoss.”

They chuckled a little, “Hoss, ey? Don’t think I’ve ever been called that. I like it.” They nodded a little as if to reaffirm so.

And ever so slightly, Driscoll felt that things just might turn out alright.

originally appeared on cohost!